Vehicle Branding

Vehicle Wrap Insurance

Vehicle wrap

Vehicle Wrap Insurance

Auto insurance take car wrap, truck wrap, or fleet graphics as an improvement of this, so you must inform your insurer of said update

Vehicle wrap, the cars that are marked, obviously have an added value which indicates an improvement, since they are covered with a vinyl that represents an investment which fulfills a specific and determined function for its owner.

There are many aspects that must be taken into account before giving the green light to the your car wrap, since it is an investment that auto insurance companies cover, since it is taken as an improvement, such as a high-end radio, luxury wheels, modifications to the engine, fuel saving reforms in order to obtain greater energy efficiency, or any other aspect that adds value to the car, said benefit is not something that is well known, so we believe it is absolutely necessary to detail what indicated here.

The reality is that auto insurance companies assume vehicle wrap, truck wrap or any fleet graphics as an update of this, so you must inform your insurer of that update, so that the auto insurance takes it as such and in case of If necessary, the return of your investment is obtained.

Something that must be considered is to have the history of the vehicle wrap or fleet graphics, it is necessary to take a photographic and video record of the vehicle wrap with the date of this

Keep in mind that, when informing your auto insurance company of your car wrap or improvement to your vehicle, you must provide the detailed invoice that supports the value of the car wrap, the description of the types of materials used and the date the car or truck was wrapped.

Attach to it all the necessary information about the company that made the wrapped, keep in mind to indicate to your auto insurance agent if  your vehicle wrap is temporary or permanent, if it is temporary, how long will it be.

If the vehicle wraps to be reported to the auto insurance company is from a company’s vehicle fleet, you should make sure that the agent granting the auto policy adds the investment to your company’s auto coverage policy.

It is absolutely essential to indicate or inform the auto insurance company that the original color of the vehicle has changed

Something that must be considered is to have the history of the vehicle wrap, that is, it is necessary to take a photographic and video record of the wrap with its date and provide a copy to the auto insurance and keep a copy of it.

Another circumstance that must be taken into account when vehicle wrapping is that, it is absolutely essential to indicate or inform the auto insurance company that the original color of the vehicle has changed, since when it is wrapped, the factory color that is reported as a description of the vehicle for identification, policy and legal matters within the entities that involve everything concerning the automotive, is no longer the one that is part of the original reports, so clarification must be made.

Assuming that the vehicle is wrapped with a vinyl film that can be removed with absolute confidence, and the original paint will not suffer modifications or detriment. Emphasizing that it is a removable reform with temporary characteristics in its nature that do not definitively modify the factory paint.

Why should you inform about your vehicle being wrapped?

Now, you may be wondering why I should inform the auto insurance and the State Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency DVLA about a need or desire to wrap the vehicle(s) with vinyl?

And the reasons are extended to the legal field, so we will detail them below.

  • Legal scope: it is necessary to indicate the modification or modifications, to the auto insurance and the State Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency DVLA, since the records of the vehicles are generally from the manufacture of the same, therefore the modifications must be reported since the information must coincide with the reality of the car, it is also necessary to indicate that when some type of eventuality occurs with the car, it must correspond to the instructions issued to the police, so that they have the correct information at the time of having to intervene
  • Claims: it is clear that automobiles have an insurance policy which becomes effective when required and a palpable example of this is an accident where the damages are covered by it, but what happens if the car wrapped has an accident and this modification was not previously informed or reported to the insurance company?, this will not be covered or repaired, since it was not reported as an improvement and therefore the insurance did not have it covered
  • Invalid or null policy: failure to report the improvement in a timely manner may put you in unnecessary procedures at the time of making the policy effective, or lead you to have a bad time, since the idea is to be totally sure that your policy accepts modifications and therefore it continues to be valid or if it is the case, make the annex and the readjustment to the payment of this

When having your vehicle wrap, contact your auto insurance agent and notify the improvement you are making to the automotive in order to have it covered and be transparent to the conditions of this, in addition to this, part of the modification through the specifications detailed above to the State Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency DVLA, and in this way not only your investment will be covered, but your actions will be in accordance with the legal precepts.

Signage and displays for your company are an opportunity to make a lasting impression and stay on the top of the mind of your customers.

Your fleet is the best asset to show your audience the products and services you offer. Wrap your vans, trucks or any kind of vehicle that’s part of your fleet and take advantage of the roads.

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