Vehicle Branding

Brand Positioning as the Solid Basis of a Brand Strategy

Brand Positioning

Brand Positioning as the Solid Basis of a Brand Strategy

Brand Positioning is the specific place a brand occupies in the market, achieved through a comprehensive strategy focusing on tangible and intangible elements. It involves delivering quality products, cultivating trust, and providing satisfying experiences to consumers. In today’s competitive landscape, brands must strengthen their image across all areas to maintain relevance and attract consumer loyalty. 

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction 
  2. What is Brand Positioning? 
  3. Tangible and Intangible Elements of Brand Positioning 
  4. Brand Positioning Today 
  5. Strengthening Brand Image in All Areas 
  6. Conclusion 

Brand positioning refers to the specific place or space that a brand occupies in the market, the mind and retina of consumers, becoming the differentiating point that makes it stand out or gain recognition in the commercial world in which it operates. 

What is brand positioning?

Brand positioning is built over time, but it will always be the product or result of an arduous task that is made up of multiple elements, all of them orchestrated by a well-defined strategy, but at the same time, based on flexible threads that allow listening, analyze and detail components as relevant as the needs of consumers, their level of satisfaction and in general everything that a brand constantly requires to renew and grow according to the standards of the current and commercial moment, which it serves. 

Brand positioning is therefore an extensive and tireless work of recognizing the personality of the brand, which must include all the tangible and intangible aspects that make it up. 

  • Tangibles: 

Among which are the product or products to be marketed, the packaging and elements used for its preservation and transportation, the stands where the products are located so that the general public can see them on display, the premises or commercial establishments, the vehicles used for transportation, printed advertising in each and every one of its presentations, among many other aspects that are used due to the product being marketed. 

  • Intangibles: 

Everything related to the marketing that the brand advertises every day, which includes the different media used to publicize the brand, proximity to consumers, listening to them and satisfying their needs, expectations, and full fulfillment of promises. that are carried out when advertising and staying current in a commercially growing world and a changing society, among others. 

For all of the above , it can be said that brand positioning is relevant given that consumers generate in their minds, hearts and preferences the personality of a brand as such, which generates a strong influence when making purchasing decisions, but obviously, to achieve this privileged place in the hearts of consumers, it is necessary to have such outstanding elements as delivering quality in the product, cultivating a relationship of trust that is based on providing safe products that respond to the needs of the buyers. 

And the fact is that any action aimed at brand positioning has the main objective of becoming internalized in the mind, heart and retina of consumers and their specific audience, given that a well-structured positioning, developed under logical parameters, focused on the marketing, sales and business plan strategies, gives a brand the recognition it requires to lead sales in the market of which it is part. 

Therefore, the brand positioning strategy is established in companies as a strategic ally, which allows brands to deliver to their consumers an unbeatable proposal, which developed under the parameters already detailed, achieves the long-awaited loyalty of their consumers and Consequently, it leads them to recommend the product that covers and satisfies their needs since it not only fulfills its advertising promises, but also makes them feel an important part of the brand, which magically generates the peak of the proposed objective, but it is really the point. neuralgic where the true effort of the brands is just beginning, since managing to maintain their consumers over time is the real challenge. 

Brand positioning today

In a world where immediacy, searches and instant results with an indeterminate number of proposals capable of satisfying any need of the current era, viral products, trending brands, ambassadors and influencers speaking and recommending hundreds of products, price-quality comparison within reach of a click, marketing proposals disseminated by diverse and extensive media with and without cost, consumers focus on living new and solid purchasing experiences, where without a doubt the brand image, anchored to the personality and positioning of This usually determines or influences the purchase decision. 

Therefore, strengthening the brand image in all areas is a highly relevant aspect, given that, currently, brands have become elements of value highly close to consumers, where to gain loyalty to them requires not only feeling that the needs are satisfied and the promises are fulfilled, but a real and captivating purchasing experience is also required that activates a true branding strategy made up of a set of actions and strategies consistent with the positioning, purpose and values. of the specific brand, where the main objective is to give the brand a personality close to its consumers, with a voice and practical solutions that strengthen the commercial relationship. 

How is a brand strengthened in all its areas in order to position it?

And, as already indicated, strengthening the brand image in all areas is without a doubt an aspect that is increasingly gaining strength in everyday life and today’s society. Proof of this is the gastronomy sector, which with Over time, it has gained great strength, establishing itself in one of the main and most desired entertainment sectors for adults and children, since they not only offer the satisfaction of a need such as food, but also provide a very pleasant gastronomic experience. and in many cases the stay is prolonged, due to the various themes that personalize the restaurants, offering their diners multiple activities that entertain. 

They are therefore brand restaurants that offer their diners a true gastronomic and entertainment experience, since they are responsible for covering every detail with special care, which could include aspects such as: 

  • The walls that make up the specific place, which dress in color and personalize the commercial premises, with their own marking that represents the brand and what they are as a restaurant. 
  • Assembly, furniture, kitchenware, music, drinks, specific dishes, interior and exterior decoration 
  • Advertising that in an audible voice invites and seduces its specific audience. 
  • The charisma of the staff in charge and in general everything that makes them up, under the theme they represent. 

They provide a tangible example of what it means to position a brand, not only properly, but also, in the ideal and optimal way, of how each and every one of the areas that make up the personality of a brand are strengthened. In addition to being recognized, it is desired. 

For all of the above, we could affirm that the positioning of any brand, regardless of the sector or industry in which its commercial sector is based, must be comprehensive, where the main objective is to cover all areas, given that aspects as relevant such as the marking of the walls of commercial establishments, warehouses or manufacturing places, such as the cars that transport the products that are sold, the notices whose function is to carry the name of the premises or inform visitors or all staff that interacts in said space, the packaging and in general everything that is part of the brand personality, are elements of great value when it comes to generating recognition among the public specifically and in general. 

“Discover how our comprehensive brand positioning strategy can elevate your business in today’s competitive market.” 


  • Brand Positioning: The specific place or space a brand occupies in the market, based on a well-defined strategy. 
  • Tangible Elements: Physical aspects of brand positioning such as products, packaging, and advertising materials. 
  • Intangible Elements: Non-physical aspects of brand positioning including brand reputation, consumer satisfaction, and fulfillment of promises. 
  • Marketing Strategy: A plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service. 
  • Brand Image: Perception of a brand in the minds of consumers, influenced by various factors including advertising, product quality, and customer experiences. 
  • Consumer Loyalty: The tendency of consumers to repeatedly purchase products or services from a specific brand. 
  • Digital Marketing: Promotional activities carried out using digital channels such as websites, social media, and email. 
  • Vehicle Wrapping: Applying vinyl graphics to vehicles for advertising or branding purposes. 


Signage and displays for your company are an opportunity to make a lasting impression and stay on the top of the mind of your customers.

Your fleet is the best asset to show your audience the products and services you offer. Wrap your vans, trucks or any kind of vehicle that’s part of your fleet and take advantage of the roads.

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