Vehicle Branding

Myths and truths about vehicle branding


Branding is ideal for the development of massive brands, services, products, events; sports, concerts, and in general almost any advertising pattern

Quality branding without risk; the specialized vinyl for slightly curved and totally wavy surfaces, with removable adhesive, which fully protects the original paint of the vehicle, without leaving adhesive residue or stains on the surfaces, easy to remove

Before delving into the impact of Branding on vehicles, let’s talk a little about branding in general terms, in order to contextualize its importance for brands, products, services and in general everything that requires large-scale advertising or with greater visual scope. It could be said then that branding is the positioning work that a brand, service, or product has behind, in order to be recognized, not only in the mind but also in the hearts of consumers or its emissaries.

What is Branding?

It is nothing other than the proper way to manage the brand strategies of companies, brands, or services, this includes adequate planning in the long, medium, and short term, the correct management of the value elements and benefits of the brand and thus take advantage of the perception about the business in the minds of consumers.

In other words, Branding works with the concept that a brand must be planned, structured, managed and promoted. Consistency is also a fundamental point, but it is at this point where all the agility and dexterity must be combined to do a great job, which generates remembrance.

Branding also ensures that your brand grows in an intelligent and lasting way, always focused on what the brand is and how it wants to be perceived, therefore, these strategies ensure that the business progresses in a sustainable way.

Next, we will talk about some points that you should take into consideration when creating your branding strategy:

  • The purpose: what is the reason for existing, what is the reason why your brand was created. That is, it was intended to transform the market with this new creation, generally this ends up becoming the brand’s slogan.
  • What are the real benefits of your brand, what are its promises; And this is nothing more than, the delivery of the solution to the need that you are covering with your product, brand or service, which must keep a rigorous and narrow reality between what you are promising, with what you are delivering.
  • Positioning: it is what defines the market space your brand occupies and how it will be perceived by consumers. But to understand your positioning you must first be clear about the commercial objectives and the real value that you offer with your product, service, brand or company and this is where you give way to positioning.
  • Have a strong and consistent idea: create a whole tangible and intangible space where the center is your brand, product or service and with it already structured, create all the visual display that includes from the logo, the colors, the way of communicating, the motto and reality directly proportional to this!

Now, branding in vehicles is an ideal and successful way to advertise a brand, product, or service, since, under a digital impression with vinyl for vehicle exclusive use, laminated with materials of high resistance to the exterior, easy adherence, application to heat on flat and corrugated surfaces. They can transmit not only advertising messages but can generate emotions in those who observe them, in addition to this, it shelters a large percentage of the population since they are considered rolling berries.

Let’s talk a bit now about the myths and truths that exist around vehicle branding.


  • High costs, this is reserved only for large advertisers
  • Traces of glue or stains when removing the adhesive
  • Difficulties in measuring real analytics and metrics
  • It has been losing prominence in the face of digital media
  • Difficult to segment, ideal for mass consumer products
  • High levels of advertising saturation and low levels of engagement and identification with advertising by the audience

Truths about the mysteries listed above

  • Accessible values, real costs
  • Quality without risk; the specialized vinyl for slightly curved and totally wavy surfaces, with removable adhesive, which fully protects the original paint of the vehicle, without leaving adhesive residue or stains on the surfaces, easy to remove
  • Wide coverage, reach, reaches all social levels
  • Digital media are one thing, and the colorful and well-weighted outdoor space is quite another. Here we can only express that each one has its charm and in the same way, both are excellent means of visual communication.
  • Visual impact
  • Environment close to family
  • Ideal for the development of massive brands, services, products, events; sports, concerts, and in general almost any advertising pattern

The reality of using the advertising of your brand, product or service in vehicles is that it is absolutely positive, there are no detractors against it, since you can take it wherever it goes, sheltering on a large scale the possibility of being seen, creating a own identity of what you do and staying without a doubt in the retina not only of your clients, but of your potential clients, not to mention that it is a lasting investment and if it is the case easy to replace or adjust to the diverse needs of your strategy commercial.

Guide your visitors from the parking area, lobby, elevators, corridors, paths and open spaces, ensuring that everyone knows where they are and how to reach their destination.

Your fleet is the best asset to show your audience the products and services you offer. Wrap your vans, trucks or any kind of vehicle that’s part of your fleet and take advantage of the roads.

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