
3 Approaches You Need To Do Before Making a Sign


Knowing the extent of the space even in the smallest details will help you to have all the spaces covered

The Wayfinding is in charge for making a visitor navigate safely and with pleasure in a given space

The first thing that must be considered before visualizing, structuring and designing the signage of a company, shopping center or in general of an enclosure that requires it, is that said signage must be in its essence as efficient and effective as possible.

Do not forget that the ultimate goal of demarcation of a space is to locate its visitors and make their stay a pleasant experience, taking care at all times of the emotions and patience of those who need to be located both in a space they know, and in one that is about to know.

The Wayfinding is in charge of making a visitor navigate safely and with pleasure in a given space, and it is that behind the Wayfinding there is a great work of Neurolinguistics, which determines the behavior and actions of human beings, and it is in said behavior that his decisions, emotions and behaviors are reflected, since it is in charge of studying; what makes the human brain process and understand language in all its forms, whether spoken, written or with signs established from its experience or its own programming.

For our context, this is precisely what makes the brain without much information understands and interprets what the language says based on signs.

Neurolinguistics and Signage

From the foregoing it is clear that day-to-day Neurolinguistics is in charge of the study of how language is represented in the brain and with this there is a great terrain covered, so its work is undoubtedly to visualize, structure, design and materialize a solid signage, which allows all the people who see it and require it to find it effective and useful.

Fulfilling its purpose and its purpose in itself, which is nothing more than indicating to visitors where they are, where they go, what services do they have at their disposal, one of their functions is also to complement the preventive action, which is derived from the safety and prevention signs, and the indication of elements ready to activate in case of emergency.

That is why then, before taking on the task of structuring and implementing the signage plan, you must keep in mind three fundamental keys so that the place is clear, efficient, sufficient and therefore supplants the needs of the purpose for which it is filling the spaces of a given enclosure.


Before making a sign

  1. Be clear about the destination that will be given to the physical space: many of the spaces to be marked have multiple aspects in common, such as signage for restrooms, restaurant areas, parking areas, emergency and escape exits, escalators, etc. block of conventional stairs, administration, communications service and in general all those signs that can combine places for purposes such as shopping centers, hospitals or airports among others, but it is also clear that each of them requires special signs typical of the commercial activity they develop.

But what happens when a work space, company, manufacturing factory, or spaces that represent danger in themselves are being indicated, therefore it is necessary to know the destination that the place will have to signal, understand and assimilate the rules of signaling, prevention and security that govern each commercial and related activity. In this way you will be able to harmonize and choose the action plan for the materialization of the signage.

  1. Know the extension of the area to be covered: knowing the extension of the space even in the smallest details will help you to have all the spaces covered and therefore will facilitate the distribution of the signage, without falling into circumstances that lead to misusing or not exploiting the full potential of the place.

In addition to this, it must also carry out an exhaustive analysis of the architecture, interior design and environmental communication of the space, since there are multiple factors that converge so that the information provided to visitors is, clear, harmonious and coherent, that is why we recommend you to know and respect the graphic line of the space and therefore give continuity to it.

  1. Harmonize and complement the space with signage: today the signage must be a sharp and neat continuity of the design and graphic line that the team of architects, construction, interior design and environmental communication of the space and finishes gave to the initial idea, In order to complement and be part of that idea that started the physical structure of the place.

Therefore the signage must at all times feel like an essential part of the joust, providing security, comfort and well-being, since there is an absolutely thin between harmony and visual contamination, so remember that harmonic spaces are considered clean spaces and this is only achieved by respecting the graphic guidelines that ultimately complement the design and initial idea.

Signage and displays for your company are an opportunity to make a lasting impression and stay on the top of the mind of your customers.

Your fleet is the best asset to show your audience the products and services you offer. Wrap your vans, trucks or any kind of vehicle that’s part of your fleet and take advantage of the roads.